.akhirnya, puasaku di syurga dunia.


eellopp guys! wow, seriosly lame gilewh tak berblog..
mood malas kuase 2 datang menghantui diri inieh..
huhu..btw cz of lame sgt x menaip..
terase rajin pulak diri ni nk menaip kn..
biase lh manusia kn xpernah puas dgn ape yg ade..
hihi mcm i juger laa...

ok..becoz of lame xmemekak..jd i pon xtau dekat mane supposed
i start my story... lets i start with my degree..
yeay.. ALHAMDULILLAH around last week i  da habiskn paper
tuk final degree.. hopefully everything gonna be okiyeh..
pass wif flying colors...

so, the best ever things is after 2 years,
finally i dapat berpuasa first day dekat syurga dunia i..
perrghhh!! feel yg xdapat i nk described how lucky i'm..
thnx Allah cz masih pinjamkn i utk rase pose kali ini...


healthy food for today!#budu #ulam
super duper delicios..yum..yum... 

suke tekan LIKE or COMMENT okeyh =) thnx sudi bace :)

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